
Rebecca Sohn


Trinity College, Ireland

Final Thoughts, Part 1: Two Ways of Returning Home

Rebecca Sohn May 30, 2018

A lot can change in a week. One week ago, I had just traveled back to Dublin from a trip to Amsterdam – the last major trip of my semester abroad. One week later and I am sitting at my dining room table back home in Massachusetts, still thinking about… More

The View

Rebecca Sohn May 8, 2018

The story I’m about to tell could begin a lot of different ways. I could start it by describing the view from the bottom of Croagh Patrick, a formidable peak rising steeply from the surrounding valley. I could write of the things that seem so much like… More


Rebecca Sohn April 23, 2018

Last week at this time, I had almost completed one of the hardest academic tasks of my life – writing two twenty-page essays in a period of two weeks, with much of the actual writing occurring in the last five days. I fully admit that this last-minute… More

On a High Note

Rebecca Sohn April 11, 2018

Last Wednesday, I attended my last ever class at Trinity College Dublin.  It feels strange to know that I’m now at the tail end of my study abroad experience, and only two papers and a short quiz lie between me and being finished with my classes in Dublin… More

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