
Sam Laughlin


Swansea University, Wales

Away Days

Sam Laughlin February 28, 2018

Waking up at 4 a.m. in 35 degree weather just to get on a 4 hour bus ride is not the ideal Saturday morning. But when it means you’re going to see a match in soccer’s oldest competition at one of England’s most historic stadiums… it kind of makes it worth… More

The Beauty of Being a Newcomer

Sam Laughlin February 14, 2018

One of the first things I noticed when I arrived in London during my first week of orientation was how culturally diverse the city was. Yes, every city is home to various groups of non-locals from near and far, but there is something different about… More

New Challenges

Sam Laughlin February 4, 2018

When everything’s going to plan in your life, you normally don’t mix it up. But sometimes, that’s exactly what you need to do. Growing up and going to the only school I could ever think of attending- The University of Nebraska- was a plan that was executed… More

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