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Ups, Downs, and Adventures Galore

Recap on the Past Month Since my last posts, so much has happened. I’m thoroughly enjoying my time here and halfway through… More

Sammy Kessler James Cook University, Australia


Sammy Kessler


James Cook University, Australia

Ups, Downs, and Adventures Galore

Sammy Kessler April 21, 2015

Recap on the Past Month Since my last posts, so much has happened. I’m thoroughly enjoying my time here and halfway through the semester. With mid-semester break about to start, I’ve got some crazy-exciting trips coming up SO SOON. But first, I will… More

Figuring It All Out

Sammy Kessler February 16, 2015

After three days of informative orientation with Arcadia University's study abroad faculty down in the Melbourne area, I thought I was feeling fairly adjusted to this new country. I was pretty used to the left-side driving, and had even learned (the hard… More

A Day in Melbourne

Sammy Kessler February 13, 2015

The sidewalks were busy, and the streets moved quickly. Too caught up in taking pictures of the intricate and vibrant graffiti art on a lively alleyway, I lost my group. My small leader was hard to pick out of a crowd, and the group had already rounded… More

Leaving, On a Jet Plane

Sammy Kessler February 9, 2015

There’s something about airports that make the world feel so attainable. When I gaze at the numerous flights on the departure board, listing flight numbers, gates, and destinations, I feel in awe. My flight is booked to a particular destination, of course… More