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Denison vs. Edinburgh

Hello, all! It’s been another great week in Edinburgh. Friends visited, I finally checked out the rather touristy “Scotch… More

Sarah Mason University of Edinburgh, Scotland


Sarah Mason


University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Denison vs. Edinburgh

Sarah Mason April 4, 2016

Hello, all! It’s been another great week in Edinburgh. Friends visited, I finally checked out the rather touristy “Scotch Whisky Experience”, but possibly most exciting, classes are over! Yes, classes here end in March, and now all I have left is two… More

Halfway Musings

Sarah Mason March 28, 2016

Greetings from Edinburgh! Last week marked the halfway point of my study abroad experience, and I’m full of mixed emotions. It seems like such a long time ago, and not so long ago at all, that I arrived in Edinburgh, nervous and excited for what the… More

Highlands and Hairy Coos

Sarah Mason March 8, 2016

The past few weeks have been a flurry of homework, celebrations, and exploring the beautiful Scottish highlands. Two weekends ago, I traveled up to Killin with my Arcadia program. This tiny Highland town is home to the University of Edinburgh’s Outdoor… More

Studies and Celebrations

Sarah Mason February 25, 2016

Hello readers!  I’ve finally reached the point where I have to start acting like a real student here at Edinburgh (*sigh*). The past two weeks, I’ve been cranking out essays, reading articles, and highlighting my notes like crazy. It finally hit me that… More

Exploring Copenhagen

Sarah Mason February 15, 2016

Last weekend, my friends and I ventured to Copenhagen, Denmark, which is definitely my favorite place I’ve visited so far (Edinburgh still wins, though!). Functioning on about 3 hours of sleep, we hopped on an early flight out of Edinburgh and got into… More

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