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We aren't important enough to be here...

One of the most amazing things about this experience in Rome is the opportunities to do things through our courses that wouldn't… More

Shelby Adelsen Arcadia in Rome, Italy


Shelby Adelsen


Arcadia in Rome, Italy

We aren't important enough to be here...

Shelby Adelsen October 22, 2014

One of the most amazing things about this experience in Rome is the opportunities to do things through our courses that wouldn't be possible in any way, shape, or form, as a tourist. This program really rocks it. I am in a class called Communications… More

Tuscany & Truffles

Shelby Adelsen October 4, 2014

For all of those that are following this blog I apologize for my lack of posts. It's been super crazy here! Last weekend was my first field study with my Food and Its Visual Representations class. We went for to Tuscany for two days and I think I ate… More

Finding your own place...

Shelby Adelsen September 18, 2014

I feel like I could live in Rome for eternity and still not discover all it has. But one of the Italian girls in my class today said when it comes to being Roman, it isn't about knowing everything about the city or how to navigate its streets, it's about… More

First Week Down!

Shelby Adelsen September 11, 2014

I realized I've only been here for a week. Wut. It's crazy because I've done so much in such a short amount of time. Catching up, I've been to most of the big sites in Rome but still have a ton more to see, and I'm planning my trips outside of Rome for… More


Shelby Adelsen September 3, 2014

Wow. So first day in Italy: complete. After so many months of preparation I’m definitely glad to be here. Speaking of this preparation, let’s talk about that for a minute. As far as packing went, there was absolutely no preparation whatsoever. So of… More