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South Africa, Until We Meet Again

Dear South Africa, You made me fall in love with you. I’m sorry it has to end now, I promise I really didn’t want to. Just… More

Tatiana Redden University of Cape Town, South Africa


Tatiana Redden


University of Cape Town, South Africa

South Africa, Until We Meet Again

Tatiana Redden November 10, 2015

Dear South Africa, You made me fall in love with you. I’m sorry it has to end now, I promise I really didn’t want to. Just so you know it’s me, not you. I know people say that a lot, but I am serious that my passport had an expiration date… More

The Never Told Story: How I lost My Suitcase!

Tatiana Redden September 21, 2015

“How are you? Passport please,” a South African woman said to me in a very thick accent. So thick I could not understand clearly. I felt bad for leaning in close and slowly asking three times, “Could you say that again?” The South African woman soon got… More

My Understanding of Being Abroad

Tatiana Redden September 10, 2015

Last week I stumbled upon a quote by William Shakespeare, “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” Hence this week, I have spent some time thinking and reflecting on my experience. In the sense of how I view it, what others have asked, how they view… More

The Power Is Out, Again…

Tatiana Redden August 18, 2015

Me: Brittney! Brittney: Yes? Me: Why are the lights off? (I yell from the shower) Brittney: It’s load shedding…. We have to wait two hours before they come back on. Me: Great…. I was in the shower just as the power went out, lucky me right? I’m thinking… More

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