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Spontaneous Swims with Nessie

Before I left for Edinburgh, I heard over and over again that I shouldn’t spend all of my weekends traveling because I would… More

Virginia Black University of Edinburgh, Scotland


Virginia Black


University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Spontaneous Swims with Nessie

Virginia Black October 25, 2017

Before I left for Edinburgh, I heard over and over again that I shouldn’t spend all of my weekends traveling because I would miss out on the opportunity to make a home out of the city I decided to spend 4 months of my life in! After 4 weekends in a row… More

Copenhagen, Munich, Sunset Hikes and Bagpipes!

Virginia Black October 5, 2017

Since my last post, I’ve started learning how to play the bagpipes, tried haggis, joined the university’s recreational golf team and traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark, and Munich, Germany! When I’m at Duke I rely on my structured routine in order to feel… More

Settling In

Virginia Black September 21, 2017

It’s been so hard to find the time to sit down to write this blog post. As the end of my second full week in Edinburgh approaches, part of me feels like there’s no way I’ve already been here that long, and the other part of me feels like I’ve been living… More

Edinburgh, Here I Come (Round 2)!

Virginia Black September 6, 2017

I am a notoriously quirky packer. If you asked my family about traveling with me, the first thing they would mention is that not only do I pack and repack my suitcase about 5 times per trip I take, but this all occurs weeks before I embark on an adventure… More