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Make Your Voice Being Heard Great Again

It's a little upsetting when I constantly hear people, particularly people my age, claim that they will not be to voting… More

Whittney Whitt Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


Whittney Whitt


Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Make Your Voice Being Heard Great Again

Whittney Whitt October 12, 2016

It's a little upsetting when I constantly hear people, particularly people my age, claim that they will not be to voting this year. From the outside looking in I have to be perfectly frank that I think that America is looking mighty silly with its candidates… More

Busy Making Myself Busy

Whittney Whitt September 22, 2016

Studying abroad is a fountain of opportunity, productivity, and overall busyness. If just taking in the new country and keeping up with the class work isn't enough, most likely you'll want to travel around, visit attractions, and socialize with all your… More

What's for Dinner?

Whittney Whitt September 21, 2016

I don't know about you, but food is an integral part of my day. I plan most of my existence around every current and upcoming meal. Even while I'm eating I'm thinking about the next time I'll be eating again. Now, I wouldn't call myself a foodie. More… More

Plain and Simply, Long Distance Relationships

Whittney Whitt September 20, 2016

First and absolutely foremost, I want to make it clear that the only thing that is plain and simple about long distance relationships is that nothing is plain and simple about long distance relationships. It might sound paradoxical, but its true. And… More

The Jucy Details

Whittney Whitt September 19, 2016

So here at Vic (Victoria University of Wellington) we get a 2 week spring break of which to entertain ourselves with (let me tell you, my home school in little old Ohio barely hangs onto a single week of spring break before saying its too much vacation… More

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