136 Days in Edinburgh

Kara McGeehan May 28, 2019

Kara Mcgeehan, Student Blogger, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. 136 days in Edinburgh, Scotland have come and gone faster than I ever imagined. I had many ups and downs throughout the semester, but I would not have changed it at all. Throughout the… More

Liverpool - Part 1

Logan Ludwig May 22, 2019

Currently Studying At: University of Westminster, England Homeschool: Ohio State University When you’re a young music fan, and you discover The Beatles for the first time, there’s really nothing quite like it. It’s a magical experience and some of the… More

Well, I’m Back

Liesel Rutland May 22, 2019

Currently Studying at: University of Otago, New Zealand Homeschool: Wofford College I have exactly one more month left in New Zealand. I cannot believe how accustomed I am to life here, nor can I believe that I actually have to go back home in thirty… More

Oh, The Places You'll Go...

Sydney Parks May 7, 2019

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Greece, Greece Homeschool: Beloit College Oh man, I haven’t written anything in over a month! To be honest so much has been happening that it’s been hard to find the time to sit down and write. Let’s see... I’ve… More

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