In his latest vlog installment, Will offers an update on his experiences in New Zealand. He remains captivated by the country's beauty, relishing in every breathtaking vista and exhilarating hike. A significant draw for Will was New Zealand's vibrant… More
One month in and a week left until the mid-semester break. Time has flown by since I first arrived in Aotearoa with my family for a brief family vacation before Arcadia orientation began. After a few weeks of walking around campus and getting lost a few… More
Running with WoRMs
WoRM aka The Wellington Running Club Meetup Group is a running club based around trail running and exploration of Wellington. I ended up going to the “Tuesday Spectacular regular” run. This was located at the Naked Man near the waterfront… More
I of course had heard about culture shock many times before I stepped on the plane to go 8,219 miles (about 13227.2 km) away from home. For some reason I wasn’t expecting to be affected by it, as if I were immune to feeling strange in a new place (spoiler… More
As we near the end of the semester, I have been reflecting on some of my favorite memories in Florence. I'd love to share some of my favorite activities with those planning to visit this stunning city, so they can make the most of their time here.
-Piazzale… More
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