My favorite southern gentlemen have finally hopped the pond and I couldn’t be more proud of my American accent. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I fell out of a tree but not everyone knows that when I fell out of said tree I missed two concerts… More
This week has been the busiest week yet. My professors assigned many assignments and projects. Even though it is a lot, I actually enjoy doing it because these projects are more hands-on. For example, in our Catalan class, we have been connected to another… More
For the first four days in Ireland, I spent orientation with Arcadia in Dublin. One of the best decisions I have made thus far is flying into Dublin a day early. It enabled me to catch up on some much needed sleep before a busy first day of orientation… More
Update: I still haven’t learned British coins. I know the pound coin, the 2 pound coin, 2 pence coin and the twenty pence coin. The other ones are a mystery.
Anyways…this week was the second week of classes, but because I switched 2 out of my three classes… More
It’s still hard to believe it, but I’ve been in Edinburgh for two whole weeks and Week One of “Uni” is done! So much has happened since, I wish I’d written sooner, with fresher memories, or taken more pictures. Well...not really. Like that John Mayer… More
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