Almost There

Kate Ahern November 26, 2018

These past two weeks or so have been filled with constant paper writing. My UCC finals, for my five courses, consists of two 3,000-word papers and three 1,500-word papers. Never in my time as a student, have I ever had to write so much before. Before… More

Studying During Study Abroad

Eliza Mikunda November 16, 2018

It’s hard to remember sometimes, but classes, readings, homework, and essays are still a thing in Italy. After all, it is "study abroad". Part of the balance I talked about in my last post, is finding the right balance between the study part and the abroad… More

I AM... (almost) A LOCAL

Morgan Block October 18, 2018

I have been living in Ireland now for 6 weeks, and it still feels a bit unreal. The idea that Galway is my home has just begun to set in. Walking around the city isn’t a maze anymore, and I don’t have to use Google Maps for every place I want to go. I… More

Settling In

Kate Ahern September 19, 2018

Today marks the end of my second week of classes. Yes, that means my classes run only from Monday to Wednesday. It is quite the test of my own discipline to see how often I can actually get myself to do homework. The first week of classes ended up actually… More

Winding Down

Bryan Mitchell June 22, 2018

Sky Tower: Time is running out. There will be future travels, including time off after I graduate uni and get my Instrument and Commercial pilot licenses, so I am not too worried. This lack of time convinced me to experience something I see every day… More

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