Learning Curve

Chloe Diggs August 22, 2017

Fact or Myth: Your workload abroad will be virtually stress-free. That statement is 100% myth in my situation! Georgetown University requires students studying abroad at The University of Western Cape to enroll in an equivalent to 15 U.S. credits. This… More

One Note About Academics While Abroad…

Allison Gordon August 15, 2017

Finding balance in college is difficult. On paper, I went to college to expand my educational opportunities, get a degree, and secure a job after graduation. But I also went to join clubs and societies, meet new people, and maybe sleep in every once… More

Is This School?

Anne Hsia July 27, 2017

Typing away on a Wednesday night and only one more contact hour left this week. Yes, I have 3-day (Lucy claims it's pretty much four-day) weekends. This is a strange way to be in school. Almost every class has only one lecture a week, and the workshops/tutorials… More

WARNING: Finals are Closer Than They Appear

Calli Umipig June 19, 2017

Time is a concept rarely taken seriously when we’re young because we feel as if we have so much of it. Only when we don’t want something to end does mortality start to make sense and suddenly its all we can think about. Each absence between blog posts… More

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