Learning from the Past

Megan Anger June 9, 2017

Over the past four months, I’ve gotten a chance to see and understand a different part of Chile that isn’t quite visible on the surface. In my classes at PUCV, I’ve learned a lot about the history of Chile, and specifically about the time of the dictatorship… More

Guns, Coins and Classes

Mitch Peiffer January 19, 2017

As it happens, the stereotype that Americans are the most gun-happy people in the world is false. In fact, the people at the University of Aberdeen Rifle Club were surprised to hear that American Universities generally don’t allow any kind of guns or… More

Living in Edinburgh: Past and Present

Jonny Schmidt July 3, 2016

By Jonny S., Museum Studies Internship Program, Scotland Last Saturday, friends and I went out for a picnic in a park near our apartments, which was actually really nice. We just sat around and relaxed. That is, until it rained of course. Later that… More

Final Exams and My Final Days

Alexina Estrada June 23, 2016

Exams are still going on but luckily for me, I am done. That’s right, completely done! I had all three of my exams already and now have almost two whole weeks to do whatever I want. Here’s what I’m thinking… the Wellington Zoo, Adrenalin Forest, Mt. Victoria… More

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