Let’s just start by saying that I hate packing. Everyone hates packing, but I always forget how much I hate it until I actually have to do it. I am always one for being on top of a packing list, I’ve had that ready for about a month, but actually bringing… More
Now that I have been back in the States for over a week, my time in Dublin is starting to feel more and more like a long, particularly memorable dream, or at the very least a parallel world filled with incredible amounts of green (such as the Hill of… More
A lot can change in a week. One week ago, I had just traveled back to Dublin from a trip to Amsterdam – the last major trip of my semester abroad. One week later and I am sitting at my dining room table back home in Massachusetts, still thinking about… More
The story I’m about to tell could begin a lot of different ways. I could start it by describing the view from the bottom of Croagh Patrick, a formidable peak rising steeply from the surrounding valley. I could write of the things that seem so much like… More
Last week at this time, I had almost completed one of the hardest academic tasks of my life – writing two twenty-page essays in a period of two weeks, with much of the actual writing occurring in the last five days. I fully admit that this last-minute… More
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