By Nathaniel Burola, STEM Summer Research Dublin, Ireland
As I write this blog post while resting in Santa Paula, California, I am overwhelmed by the excitement of finally being able to leave to Dublin, Ireland in order to start my summer research program… More
Well, it is finals time around Trinity College (you can tell by the grim faces of all the students you pass around campus) and I’ve got my first exam tomorrow. Naturally that means I’m procrastinating studying and instead writing a quick blog post… kidding… More
Life may have brought us to the same place five months ago, routed us through different coordinates on the map, but our journeys are all intertwined by our starting destination- together.
This time last year, I was gathering advice and recommendations… More
How Organizing Myself Helped Me Travel Efficiently
Before studying abroad, I have never been big on planning things out. I always found that I was much more relaxed when I didn’t think too much about anything and handled things as they came my way… More
It’s around the time where studying abroad applications are in full force for next year. Whether you’re thinking of studying in the Summer, Fall or Spring, there are probably a million things running through your head- good, bad, scary, intimidating… More
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