Before you buy your plane ticket with some Italian romance in your eyes, I have to let you in on a few essential parts of studying abroad. See, there is this thing some professionals like to call “the emotional stages of studying abroad,” or as I like… More
Upon arriving in Perugia I was blown away by all of the beauty that surrounded me; the food, fashion, architecture, and above all else the beautiful people. The women of Perugia always seem to have tan, glowing and dewy skin (compared to the sweat that… More
The thing about Rome is that it’s not a conventionally beautiful city. Most apartments are not freshly painted in the creamy pale shades that you will find outside the Spanish Steps, and the streets are not cleanly swept anywhere you’ll go. The sidewalks… More
It all began in 2003 when I learned what dreams are made of from the classic masterpiece, The Lizzie McGuire Movie. Now, with my twenty years of wisdom, I have come to terms with the fact that I do not have an international pop star look-a-like, and I… More
Hey! I’m Gillian, and I’m an Anthropology major at the University of Colorado Boulder. Hopefully this blog will give those that are paying for my college education a shred of hope that I will be able to do something with my need for travel and invasive… More
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