Vienna Waits for You

Eliza Mikunda October 11, 2018

Part of going abroad is the desire to travel. The easy part about traveling while abroad is being so close to so many places and finding people to travel with. The hard part is budgeting and balancing your time. Being in Italy, I feel like I can easily… More

(Italian) Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Mandy Noren October 1, 2018

I have been abroad for 18 days- which, upon discussion with my new friends, can still be classified as a vacation. While I was never one who grew up going on three-week vacations, there are some families, couples, and individuals that do! My aunt and… More

Fun, Fast, Exciting and Intense

Jacob Vandever September 24, 2018

It has been a whirlwind of a first week here in Perugia. It feels like I have been living in this city for at least a couple of weeks but it has only been a matter of days. The other Americans and I are trying to adapt to the differences in culture. Each… More

Mindful Reflection

Eliza Mikunda September 1, 2018

I have been abroad for a little over a week and I can honestly say it feels like one of the longest weeks of my life. I feel like I have been away from home for months! Perugia is more beautiful than I ever expected, there is a view around every turn… More

Why I Chose To Study Abroad

Jacob Vandever August 27, 2018

Hello! Well this is an exciting time for myself (and hopefully for you all as well). A lot of times people who are studying abroad get asked questions such as: why did you choose to study abroad or why did you choose your specific program/country? Well… More

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