
Eliza Mikunda August 14, 2018

Resfeber (n): the nervous feeling you get before a journey. I have no idea what the next year has in store. Honestly, it's is a little nerve-wracking, as I am somewhat of a chronic over-planner. If you were to take a look at my laptop, you would find… More

Happy Returns

Haley Winkle January 2, 2018

It’s January now, and I’ve been back in the States for a couple of weeks. My jetlag finally wore off, the holidays are over, and I’m getting ready to start my last semester on my home campus this week. My last few nights and last aperitivo in Rome were… More

Drawing to a Close

Lana Valente December 10, 2017

Hey readers! It's been awhile, but I'm sure we're all on the same page about now: that is, everyone is in a frenzy as we prepare for finals. I've found myself in a sort of strange holiday mess, between tests and the festivity of the season. It's that… More

Garbatella: Home to Me

Haley Winkle December 3, 2017

I don’t take many trips outside of Rome for a few reasons: I like to get to know my host city, I can’t afford to take trips every weekend, and I enjoy the moments of rest and quiet between busy weeks. On the offhand that I do take a side trip, coming… More

Traveling Alone, Traveling Woman

Haley Winkle November 19, 2017

We are well into the second half of the semester, and it’s wild to consider November being so close to its end and my remaining time abroad consisting of less than a month. I’m coming to peace with this reality. For now, though, I’m revisiting the first… More

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