Little Time Left

Lana Valente November 14, 2017

Hey, readers! It's been a short while, but we're back and better than ever... After fall break, it took awhile for the semester to pick up again. I'm (a little) well-rested following a long weekend over All Saints Day, although I just spent quite the… More

Una Breve Pausa: Ireland, Scotland

Haley Winkle November 6, 2017

It’s been a little while, readers! After a week full of midterm exams and presentations, and then a week off for fall break, I’m back to a normal pace in Rome. By normal, I mean... I’m writing this from my bed and procrastinating. Nevertheless, I’m hoping… More

Get Out There and Take a Look Around

Lana Valente October 27, 2017

Being abroad is the adventure of a lifetime, and it truly changes you forever. Being separated from everything you know (for four months!) is a big deal, but sometimes it doesn’t entirely feel real until you actually leave your host country to explore… More

Being American Abroad

Haley Winkle October 16, 2017

It seems counterproductive to flock to the things advertising an English label with your English-speaking friends while abroad in a non-English-speaking country. For example, visiting American-style stores and restaurants and going to see an English production… More

At Home in Italy

Lana Valente October 9, 2017

A lot can change in a few weeks... But sometimes, nothing does! I'm far more comfortable than I was during the first month, because after four or five weeks, you build a routine. Italian life has settled well with me, like a good meal that took time to… More

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