Hidden Gems in New Zealand

Breana Intlekofer April 11, 2016

When first researching all of the places I wanted to go during my time in New Zealand, I was overwhelmed by the amount of beautiful places there were to choose from. But, it turns out that even the places that aren't commonly advertised as must-see spots… More

Easter Break in the South Island

Alexina Estrada April 2, 2016

This trimester at Victoria University, we were given a week long break for Easter and will have another week for the mid trimester break. My friends and I are taking these two breaks as opportunities to adventure. Easter break was from March 24th to… More

Take of Leave

Alexis Schwartz March 22, 2016

Hello lovely people around the world! I, once again, have been gone for quite some time and I would apologize, but it’s just the type of person I am *shrugs*. I will tell you though the past month of uni has been a bit rough because of illness and junk… More

Kiwi Living

Alexina Estrada March 14, 2016

Time is flying by here in Windy Wellington! In the past two weeks I have adjusted to my flat, my classes, Victoria University, and my new city. I’ve even started picking up some of the kiwi lingo! At Vic, I am taking three courses- or papers as the kiwis… More

Week Three in Wellington

Breana Intlekofer March 9, 2016

Laid back. That's a recurring theme I have been noticing since I arrived in Wellington, NZ three weeks ago. Recently, I have learned that this theme and manner of living life continues into how classes are taught at my university. I love this take on… More

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