Kayaking on the Waikato

Julian Callin August 14, 2015

Every weekend in New Zealand has been an adventure. I have spent a total of one weekend in Auckland and plan on reserving most weekends for exploration of the surrounding area and of the North Island. Last weekend I discovered that on-campus clubs is… More

Windy Welly

Makenzie Kutyba August 10, 2015

I fall in love with Wellington more and more everyday I am here. There is something new to do every night! I don’t know how anyone could ever become bored. This city has so much to offer it’s hard to leave for the weekend. But there is more to explore… More

Exploring Northland: Part 1

Julian Callin July 20, 2015

We, ArcadiaNZ, are an adventurous bunch. Hours after returning from orientation, ten of us had organized a couple rental cars, bought enough food for five days on the road, acquired the largest camping tent we could find, and researched numerous sightseeing… More

Finally in New Zealand!

Makenzie Kutyba July 13, 2015

As I sit in my room that turned out to be 100x bigger than I imagined… So many things are running through my head. The past two weeks have felt like two YEARS. I still can’t believe I’m all moved in, enrolled in classes, and have even made a few friends… More

Leaving One Home for Another

Meredith Warder July 8, 2015

Well, this is it. I cannot believe that this is my last Arcadia blog post. Time really does fly. It passes by in the blink of an eye; all happening in the time it takes to look back. Currently, I am back in my home State of Illinois and I am working… More

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