An Ode to the Ordinary

Meredith Warder March 14, 2015

Although the title may lead you to believe that what is to follow will be a beautiful, poetic representation of my feelings toward the ordinary, I regret to inform you that this is not a poem in a formal sense. As the dictionary defines it, an ode is… More

Falling in Love with Queenstown

Meredith Warder March 4, 2015

Have you ever been somewhere that resonated deep in your heart? A place so full of beauty and charm that it sweeps you off your feet and leaves you in awe? I know I have. This past weekend, I fell head over heels for Queenstown. This picturesque town… More

Spiritual Science

Emma Lodes March 3, 2015

Before the earth, before the sun and the moon there was nothing but Io– a genderless, parentless energy dancing within the void. Io was, and is, the potential of the world, and the Maori spiritual equivalent to the Christian God. Within the darkness and… More

Welcome to Otago

Emma Lodes February 25, 2015

It's night, the stars are out, and a bonfire is burning wildly in the middle of the road. Green shards of glass from smashed bottles are strewn about the flames. Through a thick column of smoke, you can see that the entire street is filled with a mosh… More

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