Preparing for Studying Abroad

Hannah Leibowitz July 1, 2022

You’ve been accepted to study abroad—how exciting! Now what? Despite how excited you are for your upcoming time abroad, you are likely feeling nervous and unsure how to prepare. While there is no singular way to lessen anxiety related to this that will… More

Dressing like a Local in Granada

Emma Sutherland October 11, 2021

One of the biggest unknowns that I faced before traveling to Spain was deciding what to pack. I did research on the weather and followed Arcadia’s guide but nothing compares to being in Spain and seeing the fashion firsthand. First things first, do not… More

Why London Mid-Pandemic Was the Best Risk to Take

Payton Sims October 11, 2021

Did I ever intend on studying abroad for my final semester of college? Absolutely not. But did I think that I would ever live through a global pandemic that literally shut the entire world down? Another no. When life seems to have a mind of its own for… More

It’s All New to Me

Lauren Kelly September 17, 2020

Currently Studying At: Hertford College, University Of Oxford, England Homeschool: Lawrence University Somewhere in the sky, worried the plane will crash You know, you might be wondering what it is like to be alone and abroad for the first time in… More


Tessa Rendina January 27, 2020

Currently Studying At: University of Cape Town, South Africa Homeschool: Susquehanna University Only two more days before I depart on the journey of a lifetime! Before I go, I want to share some tips on preparing for this trip. Start your student visa… More

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