Well, I have just a few days over a month to soak up the remaining essence of Scotland, and I have to say these past couple weeks have been really special and different. As I look back and reflect on the beginning of my trip I was quite scared, and nervous… More
Just a couple weeks ago I had the distinct privilege of sitting down in Edinburgh for a drink and a chat with Sean Shibe, the 25-year-old Scottish guitarist whose sensitivity and dynamism have already earned him a formidable reputation in today’s classical… More
I do not come from an affluent family. I have no shame in saying this now that I’m away, but at Northwestern University, it’s something that brought me a lot of shame. I’m the oldest child at home, and when I was able to work, I put that money in to help… More
It’s been a little while, readers! After a week full of midterm exams and presentations, and then a week off for fall break, I’m back to a normal pace in Rome. By normal, I mean... I’m writing this from my bed and procrastinating. Nevertheless, I’m hoping… More
Last night I had the amazing opportunity to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night in Glasgow, Scotland! It is a huge festival that celebrates the International Day of Peaceful Protest and Assembly. It is a reminder to the people that government officials and civil… More
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