Today is (finally) my last full day in the United States! Tomorrow, I will be heading to Scotland for a semester to study at the University of Edinburgh and I could not be more excited.
Although I love my hometown and my school, I'm really excited for… More
What do I need?
Presently, this question resonates within me on multiple levels as I prepare for my departure. Most practically, it applies to my packing – as I try to fit enough clothes for sixteen weeks into one suitcase, I find myself asking if I… More
By Elisabeth Heyde, London Internship Program, Summer
Last weekend, some friends and I went on the Arcadia Edinburgh weekend trip. After the heatwave that had hit London the week before, it was refreshing to escape the heat and go to Edinburgh where… More
Triglav National Park
You don’t need a guidewhen you’re trying to get lostan orange road bikejumping, stiff along country roadsdropped handlebarslock you in placeinseparableyour wheels buzz content
I left Bled, flyingroad unwindingdodging chickens cluckingthrough… More
Finals have finished, the amount of money in your bank account has dropped drastically, and you still have a few weeks left in Europe before you have to go home. It is scary because you feel like your time abroad you have gotten more confident and happy… More
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