One of the biggest differences between campus life in the U.S. and campus life in the U.K. lies in scheduling. At my home school, I have at least one class (if not more) every day of the week, with three jobs and multiple extracurriculars on top of that… More
Maybe this is not the right place for it, but I can’t put down my travel thoughts until I get this off my chest. I’m not sure if it was the added walking around on concrete or what, but I left Amsterdam crippled. Crippled in the sense that I could no… More
This Spring Break has been filled with a whirlwind of travel and adventure, spanning six cities in three countries in fourteen days! My friends and I started our journey in Bergamo, Italy, where we navigated completely foreign streets in search of La… More
These past two weeks, I was traveling! I got to see Berlin, a place I’ve been wanting to go since I started learning German in high school, and Prague, a wonderful city with lots of history, lots of culture, and lots of amazing sights to see! I had a… More
School in Scotland is incredibly different than school back home in the States. I knew, coming here, that things would be different for me obviously. At home I go to a small private school where a lot of my classes are capped at 10 people. The University… More
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