First Impressions

Ananya Shrestha January 20, 2015

It’s still hard to believe it, but I’ve been in Edinburgh for two whole weeks and Week One of “Uni” is done! So much has happened since, I wish I’d written sooner, with fresher memories, or taken more pictures. Well...not really. Like that John Mayer… More

Let Classes Begin!

Margaret Chelsvig January 20, 2015

Update: I still haven’t learned British coins. I know the pound coin, the 2 pound coin, 2 pence coin and the twenty pence coin. The other ones are a mystery. Anyways…this week was the second week of classes, but because I switched 2 out of my three classes… More

Aberdeen – A Trip In The Dark

Kelli Baxstrom January 19, 2015

My first few hours in Aberdeen were an experience at about 5 pm, and it was pitch black. I realized it will be something I have to get used to, as the northern Scots seem to experience about 7 ½ hours of daylight during these winter months. But it was… More

What A Week!

Margaret Chelsvig January 12, 2015

Initial impressions: Darker than I predicted - seriously, there isn’t sunshine and the sun sets at 4pm. It rains way more than I could’ve imagined. It is windier than I thought. It’s also colder than I expected, coming from Minnesota, I expected Edinburgh… More

Ready or Not...

Ananya Shrestha January 4, 2015

It’s finally here, that much awaited day when I finally reach Edinburgh and boy, has it been a long wait! One essay, two visa applications, and three countries later, I’m finally making my way to what’s going to be my home for the next few months. Yes… More

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