An Adventure in Wales!

Rebecca Perlmutter October 28, 2022

Today, I’d like to talk about bravery. Not the ‘give a lion some courage and he’ll become king of the forest' kind of bravery, but the quiet kind of bravery you build in the moments you are left on your own. I am proud to say that since I have gotten… More

A Tale of Two Orientations

Rebecca Perlmutter October 10, 2022

When I entered college in 2020, my home university was restricted from having a proper, in-person orientation. I will always commend our administration for putting safety above the fun, typical college freshman experience; however, I quickly learned that… More

Moving Outward: Sprinting and Smiling

Hannah Jane Zalewski October 10, 2022

I picture life as a collection of never-ending concentric circles. Each circle representing a new comfort zone that is designed to be left behind. Where daily challenges are simply opportunities to journey closer towards that outermost circle.  Coming… More

Mid-Semester Break?

Andrew Esber September 28, 2022

Let me start off by saying that last time, I spent way too much time talking about the school aspect of study abroad and not enough time talking about the traveling aspect. If traveling is the aspect you were looking for in my blogs, this is the read… More

Finding My Place in the Hustle and Bustle

Payton Sims October 26, 2021

Just over a month into my study abroad program, I found my rhythm in my newfound city life. I come from a much smaller city in comparison to London, and when I was planning to go abroad, I knew I wanted that same sense of home. I needed to find things… More

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