Road Tripping Southern Spain

Daron Mulligan March 1, 2016

I take two classes in Arcadia in Granada's Environmental Studies program. This weekend one of my classes, Ecosystem of Andalucia, had a 3-day field trip around Southern Spain. Our first stop was at Laguna Fuente de Piedra, where we saw many flamingos… More

Adjusting to the Siesta Lifestyle

Daron Mulligan February 11, 2016

Class times are scheduled differently here because Spaniards take a few hours (around 2-4 pm) to go home, eat lunch, and recharge for the rest of the day. I'm definitely enjoying the new structure, although sometimes it's frustrating to make the half… More

My First Few Days in Granada

Daron Mulligan January 28, 2016

As my day of departure was getting closer and closer, I was getting more and more nervous. I began to realize how daunting it was to live in a country where you don't speak the language. I saved packing until the last minute. To top it off the East Coast… More

No One Word Can Describe It

Yasaman Khorsandi May 6, 2015

So I’ve been home for about a week now and it’s pretty crazy to start to process my last four months. Initially, I arrived home and everything felt back to normal— especially because I didn’t experience jet lag and I went right back into my normal schedule… More

Que Tengas Suerte - Take Care!

Brenda Khor May 5, 2015

Being in Barcelona, Spain for twelve weeks has been a crazy experience that I will not forget. I remember my first day traveling. I took a 13-hour flight during which my luggage was lost. I thought it was a sign that my first time abroad would not be… More

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