Academic Field Studies are Awesome!

Brenda Khor February 1, 2015

Hello readers! This week passed by so quickly. I cannot believe it is February! For most of my classes, we did more hands-on learning than anything. For example, for my Photography class, we walked around the Barcelona area taking pictures of color and… More

Seeing More of Barcelona and Meeting More Friends!

Brenda Khor January 24, 2015

This week has been the busiest week yet. My professors assigned many assignments and projects. Even though it is a lot, I actually enjoy doing it because these projects are more hands-on. For example, in our Catalan class, we have been connected to another… More

On Discomfort

Yasaman Khorsandi January 21, 2015

“I didn’t put it together that stepping out of your comfort zone meant actually being uncomfortable.” a friend told me. Yeah, I thought. That’s the hardest part about this whole experience. Actually being uncomfortable. I’ve been thinking a lot about… More

Class, Culture and Tour of Barcelona!

Brenda Khor January 16, 2015

First week of classes went great! It was long, but great nevertheless. Classes can go as early as 9:00 am and finish at 6:00 pm. Each class runs for an hour and a half from Monday-Thursday. We have no Friday classes. All the teachers are nice and what… More

What I’ve Learned...

Yasaman Khorsandi January 14, 2015

It’s been a week now since I arrived here in Barcelona and wow is this city doing wonders on me! Everything has been a bit of a trance of unfamiliar sights, but I am just now starting to adjust, acclimate and call this place home. I am learning true independence… More

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