Taylor L. March 9, 2014

Well…this is going to be a very short text. Yesterday was the first beach day and it was beautiful! I will be going to the beach today and tomorrow! YAY! I can’t wait to be tan…it’s been too long. _____________________________________________________________________________ Bueno… More

Parc del Laberint d’ Horta

Taylor L. March 9, 2014

The Park Labyrinth is an incredible garden near the outside edges of Barcelona. Most famous for its labyrinth garden, the park also has a variety of beautiful fountains adorned with Greek statues and many walking trails, complete with waterfalls and beautiful… More

Nervous on the First Date

Taylor L. February 18, 2014

I’m currently infatuated with the city of Barcelona. I’ve been living with 7 other international students (1 Italian, 1 Bulgarian, 1 Croatian, 1 Swede, 1 German, and 3 other Americans). I am a first-time apartment owner and the freedom is absolutely exciting… More

Lisbon, Portugal

Taylor L. February 18, 2014

This past weekend, a friend and I went to Lisbon, Portugal. When we booked our ticket for Portugal for less than 70 Euro, I knew things seemed too good to be true. Anyways, we started the morning off early. Our flight was for 10:55 am and we needed to… More

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