Rain, Rain, Come Our Way

Colleen Morrison April 30, 2018

Have you ever taken into consideration the amount of water that you use in a week or even in a single day? The average U.S. family uses 300 gallons of water per day. 300! Given that Earth Day just passed recently, I thought it would be beneficial to… More

Live and Learn

Colleen Morrison March 6, 2018

With one month already under my belt, I feel that I have already learned so many things. Some things have smacked me right in the face and others have been learned more slowly. Below are just a few things that I have learned and continue to learn: I… More

Halfway There

Rebecca Sohn March 6, 2018

It’s the first week of March, and somehow, I have been in Dublin for two months. Although I’m not quite halfway through the program, which officially ends May 25, I am more than halfway through the Trinity semester; my last paper is due on April 18. Dublin… More

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