It is no secret that the Chilean accent is one of the hardest accents to understand in the Spanish-speaking world. I was warned many times before coming here that it would probably take a month for me to just start to understand Chileans when they speak… More
School in Scotland is incredibly different than school back home in the States. I knew, coming here, that things would be different for me obviously. At home I go to a small private school where a lot of my classes are capped at 10 people. The University… More
How Organizing Myself Helped Me Travel Efficiently
Before studying abroad, I have never been big on planning things out. I always found that I was much more relaxed when I didn’t think too much about anything and handled things as they came my way… More
It’s around the time where studying abroad applications are in full force for next year. Whether you’re thinking of studying in the Summer, Fall or Spring, there are probably a million things running through your head- good, bad, scary, intimidating… More
Enrollment? Check. Health Insurance? Check. Passport? Check. Student Visa? Check. Luggage? Well, that’s what’s left for me to do, but no worries - I still have about two weeks to pack my stuff before departing the country. My only problem now is to figure… More
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