Am I a Student or a Tourist?

Andrew Esber September 1, 2022

Well this is it, Study Abroad. The experience that walks a balance beam between my education and the vacation of a lifetime. The overarching challenge of the adventure is finding a way to balance fun and responsibilities at the same time. It seemed like… More

Hiking in the Dublin Mountains

Matthew Elmore Merritt August 22, 2022

Of all the places I’ve been to in Ireland, I think my favorite place is Howth, which is a peninsula that has  tons of trails, all of which can be accessed by riding the DART train for 30 minutes from Dublin’s city center. The trails in Howth, nestled… More

Preparing for Studying Abroad

Hannah Leibowitz July 1, 2022

You’ve been accepted to study abroad—how exciting! Now what? Despite how excited you are for your upcoming time abroad, you are likely feeling nervous and unsure how to prepare. While there is no singular way to lessen anxiety related to this that will… More

LGBTQ+ While Abroad: Safety, Tips, and Tricks

Acadia Czeizinger July 1, 2022

When I first received the news that I could spend a semester abroad, I was absolutely overjoyed: After all, what young, twenty-something doesn’t love the idea of spending close to six months in a brand-new place? However, as a queer, female-presenting… More

Taking the Leap

Bailey Burke April 8, 2022

I’ve always been a homebody. My friends and family were surprised when I decided to go to a big school (the University of Michigan) for undergrad. I was a little surprised too, but it was only a couple hours from home, and I soon found ways to make such… More

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