An Action-Packed Week One

Elisabeth Heyde June 8, 2017

By Elisabeth Heyde, London Internship Program, Summer I have been in London for a week, and it has been exhausting but amazing. There is so much to do in London. I feel that, even after spending two months here, I still will not have seen everything… More

Day Trip to Aegina Island

Leah Mangold June 6, 2017

By Leah Mangold, Arcadia in Greece Summer The only time I really dislike traveling is when I feel like an outsider, a true “tourist.” My most interesting experiences tend to be unplanned; things that seem ordinary for locals seem extraordinary when I… More

Aussie Adopted – Sydney Unveiled

Caroline George June 3, 2017

By Caroline George, Sydney Internship Program, Australia I’ve flipped through travel magazines, stared at Pinterest pictures and dreamed of being in each dream destination. Seeing was close enough to being, at least, that’s what I believed until I realized… More

Much Ado About Athens

Leah Mangold June 1, 2017

By Leah Mangold, Arcadia in Greece Summer It's been two weeks since I arrived in Athens, and I think I am finally adjusted to the laundry-on-the-clothes-line, feta-cheese-with-everything, laid back way of life.  I absolutely love my little apartment… More

Pre-Departure Thoughts

Nathaniel Burola May 30, 2017

By Nathaniel Burola, STEM Summer Research Dublin, Ireland As I write this blog post while resting in Santa Paula, California, I am overwhelmed by the excitement of finally being able to leave to Dublin, Ireland in order to start my summer research program… More

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