Museums Of Sydney

Michelle Handy June 25, 2015

By Michelle H., Sydney Internship Program Summer, Australia One aspect I like about the Sydney Internship Summer Program is that our class attends museums as part of a hands-on learning experience. The State Library of New South Wales (the state Sydney… More

The Great Barrier Reef

Sierra Kreft June 24, 2015

By Sierra K., Sydney Internship Program Summer, Australia YOU GUYS- The Great Barrier Reef. Add that to the list of places you must see before you die. Remember how I said surfing was the coolest water sport I’ve ever done? I lied. Even though snorkeling… More

A Potterhead’s Guide to Edinburgh

Anna Cain June 23, 2015

By Anna C., Scottish Heritage Management Internship Program, Scotland In 1993, a woman fled a failed marriage and moved, with her infant daughter, to Edinburgh. While struggling with financial worries and clinical depression, she spent her evenings writing… More

Week One: Haggis, Harry Potter, & Highland Dancing

Hannah King June 23, 2015

By Hannah K., University of Stirling Summer, Scotland I finally arrived in Scotland around noon on Saturday the 13th after my flight was delayed for a few hours. Unfortunately, my luggage decided it didn’t want to go on the same flight as me. However… More

Traveling in the Busy City

Colleen Hess June 22, 2015

Dublin Buses By Colleen H., University College Dublin Internship, Ireland The population of Ireland is about 4.6 million (not including Northern Ireland which is another 1.6 million), of that population about 40% live in the Dublin area. As I am sure… More

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