
Jacob Vandever October 12, 2018

Ciao a tutti! One of the coolest (and arguably most stressful) aspect of studying abroad is traveling. My goal during this semester is to travel around Italy, as much as possible, while taking maybe one large trip abroad. So far, I have been to Siena… More

(Italian) Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Mandy Noren October 1, 2018

I have been abroad for 18 days- which, upon discussion with my new friends, can still be classified as a vacation. While I was never one who grew up going on three-week vacations, there are some families, couples, and individuals that do! My aunt and… More

Recap: 100% Pure New Zealand

Bryan Mitchell July 11, 2018

Best Moments: The Island Hopper Before I got to New Zealand, I experienced a high of the entire trip: the island hopper. I look back and am thankful I did this at the beginning of the trip; accomplishing a lifelong dream at the very beginning set the… More

Welcome Home?

Bryan Mitchell July 2, 2018

Flyin’ Hawaiian: I drag my two suitcases and backpack to Carlaw’s lobby and drop off my keys. This is it. I am on my way back to the United States tonight. I go to the Auckland Airport for my late Hawaiian Airlines departure to Honolulu, and then on… More

Final Thoughts, Part 1: Two Ways of Returning Home

Rebecca Sohn May 30, 2018

A lot can change in a week. One week ago, I had just traveled back to Dublin from a trip to Amsterdam – the last major trip of my semester abroad. One week later and I am sitting at my dining room table back home in Massachusetts, still thinking about… More

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