Hello! It has been a while since my last blog post and a lot has happened. For starters, I am now attending my classes on a regular basis and have officially been on my first trip out of the UK for the semester! Classes here in the UK are quite different… More
This past weekend I had the opportunity to visit the Tower of London, to which Arcadia was nice enough to provide tickets. It was much, much larger than I expected and though I had only planned on spending an hour or two walking around and taking pictures… More
I have a strange relationship with being alone. Growing up with a twin sister, I was never truly on my own. At the same time, I have always been introverted, and spending time by myself is not only something I enjoy but something I couldn't get by without… More
Más despacio por favor, Escocia a España
Before I go into the dirty details of how linguistically unprepared I feel to live in Spain, I thought I’d discuss my unconventional travel plans for study abroad. I decided to visit my friends in Edinburgh, Scotland… More
This weekend, a few of the friends I made here and I made our way to Edinburgh, Scotland. We took a train up on Friday after class and spent the night exploring the city. It kind of reminded me of London but with different architecture. There was a Ferris… More
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