One of the first things I thought about when I got here was the stars; the fact that I am halfway across the world and can still find Orion's belt. One night, me and some friends walked home from campus and all I could do was stare at the stars because… More
Being in Barcelona, Spain for twelve weeks has been a crazy experience that I will not forget. I remember my first day traveling. I took a 13-hour flight during which my luggage was lost. I thought it was a sign that my first time abroad would not be… More
It is so weird to think that school ends here the last week in March, you get a month break, then go back to take finals! At least at the university I am studying at (University of Westminster) that is how it is done. On April 4th I got ready to celebrate… More
My final trip abroad was a short stay in Copenhagen! I can’t believe that I’m done with my travels and I’m studying for final exams. Speaking of final exams- I just took one on the 29th! I could not be more pleased to have wrapped up Social Christianity… More
At the northwest tip of New Zealand’s south island, a long, skinny peninsula of golden sand sweeps up and curls over in a delicate C, sheltering waters between the north and south island called Golden Bay. It’s an oasis of stiller water and better weather… More
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