
Eien Sykes Bidwell May 8, 2015

One of the first things I thought about when I got here was the stars; the fact that I am halfway across the world and can still find Orion's belt. One night, me and some friends walked home from campus and all I could do was stare at the stars because… More

Que Tengas Suerte - Take Care!

Brenda Khor May 5, 2015

Being in Barcelona, Spain for twelve weeks has been a crazy experience that I will not forget. I remember my first day traveling. I took a 13-hour flight during which my luggage was lost. I thought it was a sign that my first time abroad would not be… More

Let The Adventures Begin!

Jillian Arenson May 4, 2015

It is so weird to think that school ends here the last week in March, you get a month break, then go back to take finals! At least at the university I am studying at (University of Westminster) that is how it is done. On April 4th I got ready to celebrate… More

A Quick Stop in Copenhagen

Margaret Chelsvig May 1, 2015

My final trip abroad was a short stay in Copenhagen! I can’t believe that I’m done with my travels and I’m studying for final exams. Speaking of final exams- I just took one on the 29th! I could not be more pleased to have wrapped up Social Christianity… More

Easter Break - Part 1: Collingwood

Emma Lodes April 27, 2015

At the northwest tip of New Zealand’s south island, a long, skinny peninsula of golden sand sweeps up and curls over in a delicate C, sheltering waters between the north and south island called Golden Bay. It’s an oasis of stiller water and better weather… More

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