Amsterdam was probably one of my favorite travels so far- I would definitely recommend it if you plan on studying abroad. One of my closest friends is studying abroad in Rome, and we planned to meet in Amsterdam for a fun weekend. It was sad to say goodbye… More
Whenever I travel to a new country, I’m always afraid that it’s not going to live up to my expectations. I then immediately think, “Wow Caroline, it must be so hard for you that these beautiful European cities you get to visit might not be everything… More
Last week was so exciting! My friend and I took an hour and a half plane ride to Melbourne on Wednesday and got back this passed Sunday. Our first day we went shopping and exploring, just to get a feel for the area. We we inside the center city of Melbourne… More
I am exhausted! It’s just past midnight here in Edinburgh as I write this and I have had a busy day! I took a five(ish) hour train ride from Nottingham to Edinburgh (story on that later), got into town, dumped my bags, and went out sightseeing with my… More
British universities have many differences from American universities: class structures, how they grade, how many years you go to university. But one of the most advantageous differences for study abroad students is the two-week long spring break students… More
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