Alright, let me tell you about The Bird. This creature is pure malice. My interactions with the bird began my first night/second day in Weerona (my residential college). It was an amazing first night with a talent show and everyone getting together for… More
I knew two things about Scotland before I went. The first was that people wore kilts. I didn’t know why and I didn’t exactly know how common it was to where a kilt, but I knew they existed. The second Scotland fact I was aware of was that they ate something… More
The University of Edinburgh has a week long break from classes during February. Rather than staying in Scotland for the week, my friend and I packed our backpacks to the brim and headed to Germany and Austria. It was a great eleven days but I was exhausted… More
Oxford University: I finally got the chance to make it up to visit Oxford and let me just tell you, it was just as amazing as I’d expected. The campus was brimming with finely dressed students that smelled smarter than me. Also, all the buildings looked… More
This week was a relaxing week for me. I got my midterms back and was satisfied with my grades. To celebrate, on Tuesday, I went to a taco place called, "Tacos Tacos" with my friends. A fun fact is that I literally live right across the street from this… More
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