Almost Time

Jillian Arenson University of Westminster, England


December 22, 2014

The countdown has officially began. This time two years ago I remember being a first year with barely any friends or connections to campus, in a way I was so excited to be leaving Arcadia behind as I did not enjoy my first semester. As the days passed and I started to pack to go home, I was nervous, scared, and happy all at the same time. Then the day came and I drove to Newark airport with my parents. I did not expect to cry but as I walked to security and was told I had to leave them, the tears came streaming down my face.

Now two years later I am in a completely different situation than I was before. Being a junior, I have made everlasting friendships, connections with staff members, have executive positions on a few clubs and organizations, as well as being an RA and mentor and it is so hard to leave. Just a few days ago I had to say goodbye to my executive board of Student Government as well as Knight Club (dance club). Saying good bye to all of those wonderful people was so hard and I can only imagine how much harder it is going to be to say goodbye to my residents, staff members, and close friends that I have made over the years.

It is going to be so hard to say good bye to each and everyone of them as they all have a special place in my heart! Some will be even harder to say goodbye to such as my friends that are seniors that I may not see for over a year, my best friends on campus that I spend all my time with due to classes and extracurricular activities, and the best group of friends that I had the honor to meet. My friends impacted me so much and I have learned so much from all of them. I know when move out day comes I am going to be heartbroken, but I know that going abroad to study is an amazing opportunity that I cannot pass up.

I will miss everyone so much!

