Day in the Life

Kara McGeehan University of Edinburgh, Scotland


March 14, 2019
Currently Studying at: University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Homeschool: Stonehill College

I thought it would be fun, both for myself and others, to create a “Day in the Life: University of Edinburgh Visiting Student” vlog. I mainly create videos and blogs of different excursions and adventures that I take since being in Scotland. I wanted people to see what a typical day is like for a visiting student in Scotland, so I filmed parts of my day and voilà, a video was created!

My typical day starts with waking up around 8:00 am and getting ready for the day. I live in catered housing, so I typically eat breakfast with my friends and then make my way to George Square (the main location for classes at the University of Edinburgh). I attend classes, go to the library (not shown in this video), eat lunch, find a cozy spot on campus to do work, and then head back to my accommodation. I usually eat dinner with friends and then go to different campus or Arcadia events some nights.

The day I was filming, the university brought in therapy alpacas in George Square Gardens, which were very adorable. I also attended the Arcadia Ceilidh (Scottish dancing) for a nice night out with friends and fellow Arcadia students.