Dr. Seuss, Ambiance, and Being in Love

Maddie Oslejsek Royal Holloway University of London, England


September 17, 2015

During the entire flight overseas, I was pinching myself because I really could not believe that I was headed to achieve a dream that I have had since I was ten-years-old. I still could not believe it when I arrived in London yesterday at 09:30. It was so difficult to fall asleep last night because I had to remind myself that I would wake up and still be in England, that the dream wouldn’t end.

I can genuinely say that I have never been happier! I'm so in love with England - especially London! I adore the seemingly endless rain, copious umbrellas colliding on the pavement, and entire ambiance; I love all of it.

I am discovering that there is something very beautiful about feeling in your heart that you are where you are meant to be.

Here's to the journey ahead of me, and all of you being a part of it!

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." – Dr. Seuss