Family Time in Ireland

Caitlyn Rome Trinity College Dublin, Ireland


May 12, 2017

Well, it is finals time around Trinity College (you can tell by the grim faces of all the students you pass around campus) and I’ve got my first exam tomorrow. Naturally that means I’m procrastinating studying and instead writing a quick blog post… kidding!

I had the privilege of showing my family all around Ireland in late April. We spent a few days in Dublin (of course, because it’s the best), headed south and west for Blarney Castle, Killarney, Dingle Peninsula, and Galway. Amazingly, it rained only once in the nine days they were here. By the time we visited the Cliffs of Moher, I was almost annoyed at the wonderful weather they enjoyed while in Ireland – they didn’t even have to trudge through mud and wet grass to experience the cliffs! Just to top it all off, it hailed on my walk to the grocery store only hours after they left. It seems they were a bit of a lucky charm for weather.

I’ve included some of my favorite pictures from the trip. It was hard to say goodbye to them at the end, but I know I’ll be seeing them very soon... given that I survive my finals!