Let The Adventures Begin!

Jillian Arenson University of Westminster, England


May 4, 2015

It is so weird to think that school ends here the last week in March, you get a month break, then go back to take finals! At least at the university I am studying at (University of Westminster) that is how it is done. On April 4th I got ready to celebrate my Spring Break being abroad, and it was the best break I have ever had. I am so lucky that I not only made lifelong friends that I was able to travel with, but also having this amazing once in a life time opportunity. Not everyone could say they were able to explore the world!

On April 4th, I started my journey when I flew from London to Dublin, Ireland. Once there we explored. Dublin is not only a gorgeous city, but the people there were so sweet. From the Dublin Castle, the Guinness Factory, and a horse and buggy ride we got to see so much that Dublin had to offer. I wish we had more time than just a day and a half there though as there is a lot to see. During our time in Ireland we took a day trip to the Cliffs of Moher. The Cliffs were breathtaking! I loved getting the chance to see not only the city aspect of Ireland but the country and greenery side as well! It was so much fun and I loved the accents there! Unfortunately our time there came to an end and we boarded on the next flight to Barcelona, Spain.

Landing in Barcelona really late, we were so exhausted but so excited to be there! With many years of taking Spanish, myself and one of my friends were able to get us to our hotel, check in, and order dinner for everyone. We were really impressed with how well we remembered how to speak Spanish after not using it for years. The next day we had a tour that took us all over Barcelona and showed us the location of where the Olympics were held, Sagrada Familia, the Gothic Quarter, Park Guell, and a few other places. Out of all the places they took us, my favorite was Park Guell. It was so pretty and had such a vibe to it. My friends and I are all Disney fans so we also got really excited as that is where Disney filmed the movie The Cheetah Girls Two. Being able to take pictures in the exact locations they filmed made us super happy!! Afterwards, we got dropped in the city center and had the chance to wander around.

While on the trip our tour guide spoke about the Jewish Ghetto in Barcelona and that sparked an interest for all of us as we are Jewish. Once the tour was over we got dropped in the City Center and walked to the Jewish Ghetto. We got a tour of a Synagogue there and were told about the Jewish history in Barcelona. When we did that we wanted to make sure we went to each Jewish Ghetto in the remainder of the places we were going to visit. So we made sure to find them when we visited Venice and Florence, Italy.

Italy itself is a gorgeous country but these places were so different and special. Venice, is so pretty and makes you want to fall in love there! I can definitely understand why it is known as such a romantic city. My friends and I took a gondola ride while we were there and got to see so much of the city from that, including the Grand Canal. Besides the sites, who can forget about the Italian food? The food was most likely one of the best parts of the trip. When we went to Florence my friends mom recommended a place to eat and it was most likely the best food I have ever had in my entire life!

Once our two week traveling was over I left my friends and took a few days to go visit my friends in Rome who are studying there through Arcadia! It was so nice to see familiar faces that I have not seen in months. One of my best friends, Freddy, allowed me to stay at his place and gave me a tour of Rome! I could not believe that I actually got to see the Colosseum! I stood there and could not believe my eyes that it was right in front of me. This trip really is what dreams are made of! Study abroad took my heart and will never give it back!


England/Wales Travel