Livin' Life on the Edge

Chamira Sankey Sydney, Australia


June 29, 2016
By Chamira S., Sydney Internship Program Summer, Australia

As part of our Arcadia study abroad trip, we received the opportunity to spend the weekend down at the Blue Mountains. We knew two things: it was going to be cold and we were going to have the best time of our lives. So I packed, attempting to bring all the "winter gear" I had to what would be an awesome weekend in Aussie. Our bus ride wasn't that long because we took our first pit stop at Featherdale Wild Life. There I got to meet 2 more amazing friends, a baby Joey and cuddly koala bear. We were allowed to pet the wallabies and kangaroos upon entering where I was able to take some amazing "Us-ies." However, we weren't able to hold the koalas, only pet the bum and take a photo, still not that bad. After learning about some cool and unique Aussie animals we headed to lunch and then to the blue mountains.

The Blue Mountains were beautiful! I'm a city girl so I don't see much nature especially to the extent of mountains so I was in complete awe. Hiking and taking in the view with mates had to be one of the best experiences I've encountered. The only thing that was better than this was when we all were given the opportunity to go abseiling. Hands-down one of the most coolest and exhilarating experiences ever.

Backwards, we walked off a 15 meter and then a 30 meter mountain! How cool is that? Now I've never had a problem with heights, however I do have a fear of falling so you should imagine the anguish in my face when were told we had to walk off and then at some moments being dangled in the air. I have to live life on the edge, that's what I kept telling myself. And I did it! One of my biggest accomplishments of 2016.

Aussie is filled with many amazing excursions, but if you're ever considering traveling to the Blue Mountains I promise you it'll be an experience of a lifetime.

Chamira S. Chamira is a student at the University of Illinois, Urbana and is blogging from her summer abroad with the Sydney Internship Program Summer, in Sydney, Australia.