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Wonder in Every Detail

By Caroline George, Sydney Internship Program, Australia Bondi Beach is my blogging destination for today. The wind is a… More

Caroline George Sydney, Australia


Caroline George


Sydney, Australia

Wonder in Every Detail

Caroline George July 11, 2017

By Caroline George, Sydney Internship Program, Australia Bondi Beach is my blogging destination for today. The wind is a fierce awakening. It whispers rumors of a coming storm and weaves my hair into a knot so ornate, I’ll have to soak it in conditioner… More

Aussie Adopted – Sydney Unveiled

Caroline George June 3, 2017

By Caroline George, Sydney Internship Program, Australia I’ve flipped through travel magazines, stared at Pinterest pictures and dreamed of being in each dream destination. Seeing was close enough to being, at least, that’s what I believed until I realized… More

Departure Diction: Words of Advice Before Takeoff

Caroline George May 30, 2017

By Caroline George, Sydney Internship Program, Australia Light and concise—those are the words I used to convey my desired packing style to Mom. Light meant I couldn’t bring more than one medium-size suitcase. Concise rejected my hammock, paperback books… More