Part of Your World

Melissa Thompson University of Aberdeen, Scotland


March 8, 2016

“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.” –Robert Louis Stevenson

It’s now been over two months since I first arrived in Scotland. Time has just flown by! After living in Scotland for some time now, I can’t help but notice some similarities and differences here compared to back home in Texas. I thought that I would just spend this blog discussing things I’ve observed that I found interesting while being abroad.

First of all, crossing streets is still a challenge to me since people drive on the left side of the road here. I’m always weary when I’m trying (emphasis on ‘trying’) to cross the roads because I can never remember which way to look for some reason. Apparently, I’m not the only person that struggles with this since usually crosswalks clearly write ‘look left’ or ‘look right’ at the end of the crosswalk for pedestrians. It’s definitely helpful!

Most people just walk everywhere instead of driving. The train and buses are also a popular choice for people that need to go far distances. This kind of amazes me since I’m so used to just driving myself everywhere.

One of the first things that I also noticed here is that you actually have to pay for grocery bags (yes, even the plastic ones!). This was kind of shocking to me at first since I’m so used to free bags. Now I just find it normal to bring my own bags whenever I go shopping.

I was always told that UK food was a bit bland, but I’ve found it quite delicious (at least from what I’ve had so far). It’s very diverse and you can find foods and restaurants from all over the world. Scones are absolutely amazing and definitely one of my new favorite foods! Also, tea really is a big thing here. Growing up in the south, I’m so used to iced tea-specifically sweet iced tea. Normally, just hot tea is served here if you ask for tea. It’s especially nice on those cold winter days!

The weather here is relatively nice. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t rain every single day here. Though it does rain much more often than in Texas, the sun makes an appearance a few times a week.

Though there are quite a few differences from back home, I’m so proud to call Aberdeen my home away from home.
